• Navigate to www.Autodesk.com
  • At the top-right of the webpage, click Sign in.
  • Sign in with your user account or admin credentials.
  • Once signed in, click on your profile icon at the top-right of the webpage.
  • Click Products and services. This will send you to your products page.
     Graphical user interface, text, website 
Description automatically generated
  • Find the product that you would like to download and install. Click on the dropdown arrow,
    then select Download. Example: PowerMill - Ultimate

  • This will download a file to create the product installer. Make sure pop-ups are allowed.

  • Run the installer .exe file.

  • Once the installer has been created, you’ll get a confirmation dialog. Click Run Installerto start installing your software.

  • The installer will start. Follow the prompts to complete the product installation.